Corso Unione Sovietica 612/3A
tel +39 0113473506 / 0113473135
fax +390113283203
P.IVA: 06564960018
Etica offers its consultancy services both by sending single experts to Customers' premises and by setting up work groups focussing on on-site projects and coordinated by a dedicated technical Supervisor.
Projects can be coordinated by either Customer's staff or an Etica team leader.
Projects imply the use of both Microsoft systems and Linux-based open source systems.
The languages and technologies more frequently used to develop software applications are ASP, ASP.NET, Visual Basic, VB.NET, C#, Javascript, HTML, XML, CSS, Embedded Visual C++, C++ , Java and PL/SQL, Java 2EE, Bus CAN and Vector CANCardXL + CANAlizer, SAMTEC FAnalizer.
The main database engines used are Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and Microsoft Access.